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Thursday, May 12th, 2011

    Time Event
    Entropy - An AU, Next Gen Harry Potter Game
    "measure of the disorder of a system"
    King Sirius rules the throne as Tom Riddle runs the Ministry.

    The year is 2029, and the wizarding world's monarchy has crumbled from all powerful to nothing more than a ceremonial tradition. While the nobility is slowly becoming more and more liberal, thanks to muggleborn spouses, the Ministry's support grows just as strong. Under the leadership of Minister of Magic Tom Riddle, many are drawn to the idea of a pure society where muggleborns are only half a step above muggles.

    Some support the monarchy, hoping to see less power in the hands of Riddle and more in the grasp of King Sirius Black II and his heirs. Others wish to see a social revolution where blood purity outranks any nobility and their titles. And other, the populists, would throw out the monarchy all together and make a more representative government.

    But Riddle is getting older, as is King Sirius. The heir apparent to the throne has already been picked, and some whisper that Crown Prince Oberon will not stand for such any
    government run by Riddle. Others wonder who would take over after Riddle steps down- or if he'll ever step down.

    Change is coming to wizarding England- will you be a part of it?


    ...Angels and Demons can’t cross over onto our plane. So, instead we get what I call half-breeds. The influence peddlers. They can only whisper in our ears. But a single word can give you courage, or turn your favorite pleasure into your worst nightmare. Those with the demon’s touch like those part angel, living alongside us. They call it the balance. I call it hypocritical bullshit....

    The Premise

    There’s a world beneath the London you know, a world that smells of brimstone and blood, where magic lives alongside the mundane. It’s a world where you can buy abilities at a travelling Market, where when the circus rolls into town it brings nightmares with it, and is presided over by an organisation so old, time has forgotten when the Library began. It’s a world where anything goes, where London is just another board for the game and gamble for souls is taking place and you might - just might - encounter one of Heaven’s own or a demon amid the crowds on the underground and they play to win.

    Influenced by Hellblazer, Neil Gaiman and urban fantasy, At the Gates is an original supernatural game with noir themes, focusing on the lives of those jostling along in the magic world in shadowy other-London. Magic is harsh, horror is common, character realism is encouraged


    We need: those who are trying to understand and adapt to abilities -- the firestarter with the potential to make everything a bit smoky, the telekinetic fighting for control, the weather-manipulator with a few false starts to become residents at Haven, the in-game sanctuary for the struggling. We need Librarians, those well-controlled individuals who know exactly where the balance ought be between Heaven and Hell and who are unafraid to face off the denizens of both in order to fight for it. We need the self-interested, those souls striking out and fearless of repercussions. We need the rest of the Market family, the magical mafia themselves with fingers in all magical operations across the city!


    Do You Believe In Magic? A Magical Glee RPG


    The RPG

    Character List
    Class Schedules
    Groups & Clubs

    For The Players
    Friending Button
    House Points
    Useful Information
    Music Challenge

    Most Needed Characters
    Finn Hudson
    Mercedes Jones
    Noah Puckerman
    Have you ever wondered what it would be like to see the members of New Directions as witches and wizards in training? Ever thought about what would happen if the Gleeks ventured into the Forbidden Forest? Want to see them hang at Hogsmeade or shop around Diagon Alley? Well, Do You Believe In Magic is the place for you!

    For years, Lady Tromedlov and her legion of Death Eaters have wreaked havoc upon the wizarding community. Terror and death plagued the United States until she was killed by a brave group of wizards and witches. Her legion, sadistic and ruthless, were (and still are) dedicated to her cause. Some have been imprisoned and sent to Azkaban, others have hidden away from the public eye. They wait in the darkness for the return of their leader.

    Ten years following the death of the world’s most feared villainess, the wizarding world is finally at peace and a set of students (new and old) are filling the halls of Hogwarts. The glee club members are in their 5th and 6th years at the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, ready to continue their fun-filled year. Amidst relationship drama, diva-offs over solos, and balancing adolescence with magic, will the New Directions manage to make it to Nationals in New York before imploding?

    Apply for a gleek and enter the world of wizards, witches, spells and songs. Original characters are welcome and encouraged. The game started on December 1st. There are no holds on canon characters, so get in those applications!

    Game began December 1st, 2010. Join today!

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