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Saturday, December 11th, 2010

    Time Event

    Ten years ago, the sky ripped open.

    It was around that time that people began developing strange new powers, evolving far beyond Darwin’s wildest dreams. Telepathy, time control, water manipulation and more began showing up, but with the powers came a high price…

    To help protect and care for those with powers as well as investigate the strange phenomenon that caused it, the UN set up a special taskforce in Victory, WA, right under the rip in the sky. That task force was Ad Meliora. Taking in staff from all over the world as well as providing those with powers with the specialist help they needed, Ad Meliora continues their struggle to protect and investigate despite having to battle with an opposing group who crusade against the evolution of humans and another, mysterious group who claim to be from another world…

    Ad Meliora is an OC game set in the small town of Victory, WA, currently on the look out for new players!


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