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Tuesday, December 7th, 2010

    Time Event

    You think you know London, its streets and alleys like the creases of your palm. You don't know all its secrets. In its depths are places to buy amulets and tarot readings, a talisman that permits the wearer to manipulate luck hangs alongside bottles of herbs and demon's blood. Books so ancient the pages are tissue-thin jostle against postcards of buses and telephone boxes. There are bars where the clientele don't just find the dim light flattering, but downright necessary, and the smell of brimstone lingers in the nostrils. There are corners and recesses where magic isn't trickery or sleight of hand, but blood and bone and flesh and you might -- you might -- catch sight of feathers pure as snow and light, if you know where to go. If you know how to see. There's a pitched battle being fought for this other London and your London besides -- one in which every human in existence is being counted in a gamble for souls, Heaven and Hell trying to tip the scales and grave-faced Librarians holding them steady. And all the time, people go about their lives with a little pinch of something extra in a London you'll never see.

    Magic & Factions | Places to Know | Taken Characters | Holds | FAQ & Rules | Apply | Drop Box | In Character Community

    We need: angels (there's a lot of demons trying to influence humanity, care to counter it before the world slides into hell?) market-goers (magic can be bought and paid for) Merchants (the Market knows more than you do and it will take its pound of flesh) Havenites (need some help? Haven's got it) mundanes (because some people have got to be sane in all this madness)
       premise | taken&held | rules | apply | locations | drop box

    [info]pinnaclerp is a PB community focused around the four-season ski and golf resort in Killington, Vermont and the lives of it's residents. Your character can be a millionnaire playboy, a waitress at a sushi restaurant, a skiing instructor, a gift shop owner, possibilities are virtually endless. And as always, where there is money flowing, the crime is never too far away. Since this is not a gated community game, your character will have a vast choice of where to stay while in Killington, from a cozy swiss cottage style chalet to a luxurious condo with an indoor swimming pool. We are an adult slash/femme/het friendly community and we equally welcome fluff, angst and dark storylines.
    All popular PBs available. Accepting holds. Adds at 6 applications.

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