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Sunday, October 24th, 2010

    Time Event
    What? Seriously? Another Glee RP?
    MOD | IC | OOC
    High school is a caste system. You have your jocks, your popular kids, your social pariahs playing live action druids and trolls...and, then, you have the glee kids.

    New Directions was supposed to be a new start for the McKinley High Glee Club. Will Schuester had big dreams for his kids. Sure, they had a rocky beginning, but things change over a school year, and they grew into a diverse family that would even make the likes of Captain Planet's Planeteers cringe at how politically correct it all seemed. Their fearless leader promised to take them from high school rags to riches and bring the modest club back to its former glory. But, despite it all, they ended placing last at Regionals. The club was still mocked, and its members were still targets. Lucky for the kids, most of them were used to social disappointments.

    After a year of discovering who they were as a club and a family, New Directions faces another years of slushies, walk-outs, break ups, and make ups. Hard times had never stopped them before, though. They are determined to make it to Nationals this year. Not even Sue Sylvester can stop them--but, the truth is, there are worse enemies out there than the ever-so-terrifying Coach Sylvester and better allies than the steadfast Mr. Schuester. They have to face their peers, after all.

    Not Another Glee RP focuses on the interaction amongst McKinley's student body--both inside and outside the Glee Club. Despite their best efforts at staying inside their comfortable bubble, the kids of New Directions have to face the rest of the student body sometime. What happens when that bubble bursts? Can they survive against McKinley's worst or find their way into the good graces of its best? That's for you, the players, to decide.

    OC friendly!
    Most wanted:
    Non-Gleeks! We are in desperate need for an upcoming plot!
    premise | rules | faq | taken | wanted | holds | application

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