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Friday, October 15th, 2010

    Time Event

    The Black Falls is a Fantasy based Role Playing Game (RPG). The Black Falls is another planet far out in a different galaxy; Earth Humans discovered it in the year 3769 and sent a group of 100 explorers to discover what the planet had to offer; When reports that the air was breathable, the water drinkable, and the vegetation edible were sent back to earth, groups of humans were sent to populate this newly discovered world. Though quickly those who went out to start new colonies realized that this earth was different: it slowly, over thousands of years, changed a few more susceptible people into new species, the Vampires, The Were-People, and the Fairies. Animals changed and Evolved on this planet too; tiny pet lizards and birds evolved to be Dragon and Dinosaur like creatures; dogs, cats, and rabbits evolved to be much like the extinct Sabre-toothed counterparts, wild and vicious. Though many of the people and animals sent to The Black Falls stayed exactly as they were on earth, but for those who were forever changed, The Black Falls will forever be home.

    We accept Vampires, Humans, Werewolves/People, and Fairies, any other fantasy creature (zombie, mummy,, etc) will need to be mod-approved.

    The Black Falls is a brand new, yet to be opened community for anyone looking to try something new.
    Please refer to our information post for our legal disclaimers and general information about us.
    There are two rules posts, one is General Game rules and the other is Specific rules for our community.
    Our Application is simple, easy to navigate, and requires very little personal information.

    We hope to see you soon at The Black Falls

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