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Saturday, August 14th, 2010

    Time Event

    Meet the Halliwell sisters — Prue, Piper and Phoebe. Six months after the death of their grandmother, Phoebe discovered an old book in their attic and soon learn that not only do they possess supernatural powers, but they come from a long line of powerful witches. The first in the line, Melinda Warren, was burned at the stake in the Salem Witch Trials. However, before she died, Melinda prophesied that each coming generation of Warren (later Halliwell) witches would grow stronger and stronger, culminating in the arrival of three sisters -- the strongest good witches the world had ever seen; the three sisters would form The Power of Three, the most powerful magical force ever.

    Three young women with extraordinary gifts take on the adult world and, in between love, loss, and death save it from time to time.

    But...what if it didn't happen that way?

    It was a stupid joke when the sisters cast the spell, and even they knew that rhyming in a magical household was a dangerous thing -- it just happened. Within moments, the world changed and those questions the sisters used to ask like what if Grams had died sooner? How would their lives be different? What if the Halliwell sisters had gotten their powers as teenagers? What if they'd been teens in 2010 instead of the 1990s? Well, now they're going to find.

    Welcome to Old Magick. This is a story about a world full of magic and three sisters trying to figure it all out all over again -- all while trying to save the world and finish their math homework.


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