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Saturday, July 31st, 2010

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    New Orleans by Night: A New Wave Requiem

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    These days they call it the “decade of excess,” but at the time it was just how things were done. We were vampires for fuck’s sake, and whatever we wanted, we took. It was the land of the greedy and the home of the strongest, and every second you had to be the biggest bastard,because there was always another bastard waiting to take your spot.
    – Lord Kenneth Bryce, Invictus

    The 70s espoused free love, peace and mysticism. The 80s sees a surge of insider trading, hate groups, and the ever looming threat of nuclear war. Drugs and sex flood the neon-light soaked streets in a decade where greed is good and anything goes as long as it gets you to the top of the food chain. This sense of intensity and inertia is not limited to the human horde by a long shot, as elder vampires struggle to keep up with the times and younger vampires revel in newfound changes and developing technology.

    The Crescent City itself is no stranger to decadence and excess. New Orleans, called a modern day Gomorrah by some, has long been ruled by vice. Paradoxically, it has simultaneously been defined by its faith as well, as citizens and tourists alike engage their nights with either wild abandon or religious fervor.

    It should come as no surprise that the dual nature of New Orleans is what divides it. The city has long been under the thumb of its vampire Prince, the Ventrue Augusto Vidal. A Catholic zealot, he has long suffocated the city under a blanket of oppression. His manner of ruling has created an antagonistic relationship with Antoine Savoy, a Daeva who has claimed the French Quarter as his own, and whom many know would gladly usurp Vidal if he had the opportunity. Resisting the machinations of both is Baron Cimitiere, who opposes Vidal's oppression of Vodoun and Savoy's commercial exploitation of it.

    Plots within plots and ploys within ploys fill New Orleans as vampires plot, backstab, form lofty alliances and make enemies, all while dancing to the drum of Joy Division. Fortunes are made and lost in a single night and feuds are ended with a shotgun blast and a spray of blood. This isn't New Orleans or the 1980s quite as you remembered it. This is the World of Darkness.

    New Orleans by Night is a Vampire the Requiem RPG for original characters.

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