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Saturday, July 3rd, 2010

    Time Event
    Aren't you tired of banners? (We are too.)
    Ever wanted to play a superhero without having to be an X-Man? Love science-fiction without the spaceships? Interested in being a part of world building? Want to play a character of your own making?

    We Float is set on an alternate Earth in the year 2096. In 1946, a virus was released on earth that changed everything. The Wild Card virus created Earth's first metahumans, giving superpowers to aces, and deformities to jokers.

    At first, aces were revered and jokers were hated. Both sides were seen as property – useful for the public good, or useful to beat up. No one thought long-term about what they meant to the world; everyone thought that the first generation would die and take their mutations with them.

    But the wild card didn’t die out. Instead, they’ve been increasing, ever more of the population, ever more present.

    Ever more useful, to those who think that way. Technology hasn’t caught up to the gifts that the wild card can give, yet. That’s the new arms race: to make your own wild cards, rather than wait for them to be born. Both the government and free science – if science can be said to be free in an age of corporate control – want that power.

    Both are on the brink of achieving it.

    More information under the cut... )

    Cross-posted to everywhere we could find on the internet. Just think- if you app, we'll stop.

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