Original Character Friendly RPG ads' Journal
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Tuesday, June 22nd, 2010

    Time Event

    Please enjoy your stay, and try not to die.

    It started out as rivalry between two adversaries, but eventually turned into a game. Out of frustration (or entertainment), both God and Satan created a game. They made the game board, they made the rules, they've set the prize, and now they're collecting the pieces.

    Chaos Unraveled is a multi-fandom/OC friendly game set in the fictional world of Chaos Unraveled. Characters are asked to join either Heaven's side, or Hell's side. Some characters are more than willing to join the cause, while others need more encouragement. Those who join the game will find themselves playing to either save the worlds, or to have them annihilated.

    The fate of the worlds rests on your shoulders!
    Premise // Wanted Characters
    Mod Journal // RPG // OOC // Held Characters // Taken // Application

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