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Tuesday, June 1st, 2010

    Time Event

    Welcome to Unfinished Tales, the stories of the fourth age of Men. The shadow of Sauron has fallen, and the peoples of Middle-Earth pick up the pieces. An unknown darkness rises in the East and to combat this darkness the Halls of Mandos have opened letting out heroes with no memory of evil times. The elves who were to depart into the West postpone their journeys to help the Men who struggle with long-sleeping evils. This is the day to shine a light into the encroaching darkness - and age for strength and for glory. Will you not rise to determine the fate of Middle-Earth?

    Unfinished Tales is a Tolkien-based game set after the War of the Ring. We aim to further the tales at the end of The Return of the King as well as in the Fourth Age through the use of journals and AOL instant messenger chat. The quest for excellent roleplaying and a friendly community in the Tolkien fandom is one that never ends.

    Join us!

    Samwise, Maedhros, Gandalf, Elrond, Elladan, Celebrian, Celeborn, Finarfin, Fingolfin, Aegnor, Angrod, Gil-Galad, Thingol, Melian, Beor, Brodda, Eomund, Finduilas, Huor, Hurin, Theoden, Tuor, Gollum and many more!

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    Ainsworth University
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    Welcome to Ainsworth University, home to the lives, education, drama, and scandals of Perthshire's elite. At Ainsworth, legacy and lineage is the best currency; bank accounts and natural smarts manage only a close second. For most of Ainsworth’s students, everything may be diamonds, silk and champagne all year around but amidst the porcelain plates and tailor-made suits there is a downside: super successful parents expect the most and best from their offspring and when it comes to education, it’s always the top 5 ranks with Latin mottos and century-old-histories sprinkled with Ivy prestige.

    Do you have what it takes to be the rich and glamorous?

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