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Friday, May 28th, 2010

    Time Event
    Destiny Falls
    We'll all fall down....
    Welcome to a world of exciting night life, perfect weather, simple and luxurious pleasures, and all the excitement or rest and relaxation one could ever want. Founded by Liam Sypher in 1970 after he purchased the land for dirt cheap in an auction, Destiny Falls has quickly become the place to live, vacation, and work. Once the private property of billionaire, rapist, serial killer, and cannibal Richard Beckett, this secluded island off the East coast of the United States boasts a world-renowned resort, spa, medical center, exclusive housing, private school, college, a gorgeous natural waterfall for which the island gets its name, and a Las Vegas-like nightlife, with a downtown strip known simply as "Vice Alley" that's brimming with four star hotels, restaurants, clubs, shopping, and casinos. Visitors and residents can expect the convenience of the very best of anything their heart desires at their fingertips, twenty-four hours a day. Some people find their way to the island on their own, looking for a new start. Some are sent there as punishment, forgetting their old lives entirely. Some come on vacation and have such valuable psychic abilities that Mr. Sypher just won't let them leave. There's all the reason in the world to come there, and no reason at all to ever leave again. For anything.

    In fact, it's really best for some if they don't even try.

    So the question you must ask yourself before coming to Destiny Falls is, do you want everything your heart desires? And what's more, could you handle it if you got it? Mr. Sypher, still alive and kicking and living in the penthouse on the top floor of the Sypher Hotel and Casino located in the heart of Vice Alley, is here to help. Down on your luck? Looking for a change? Looking for that ever elusive big break? Forget New York, Hollywood and Vegas, Destiny Falls is the place where it's guaranteed to happen. Be it riches, fame, love, youth, or success, it can and will be found in Destiny Falls, at least for a time and ALWAYS for a price. The price usually being your soul.

    But does that really matter when everything you desire is yours?

    Destiny Falls is a brand new, original character RPG set in the fictional island of Destiny Falls off of the East coast of the United States. Lots of PBs available and plenty of plot potential!

    Backstory and Layout | Game | OOC | Rules | Application | Characters


    Present day Aiode Falls, Maine is home to many residents from all over the globe. And Universe. The little college town is growing, and becoming home to more and more people all the time. Some of them have no idea how they came to arrive, and some can never go home. As the University gets darker with new arrivals harboring less than happy intentions, so does the city. It is now home to metahumans, vampires, humans, demons, ghosts, aliens and even celestial beings. All of them with defined morals (or none, for that matter) and each with an allegiance. Those without a chosen allegiance are considered fair game, as both sides subconsciously prepare.

    There is a constant battle for good and evil in this town, and only one side can prevail.


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