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Tuesday, February 9th, 2010

    Time Event

    Mothers, fathers, daughters, sons, friends, lovers, husbands, wives, co-workers, arch nemesis, bosses, shop assistants, cheaters, one night stands, fair weather friends, back stabbing bitches, the guy who gave you his seat on the subway, the girl who smiled at you when you were just having a bad day. Life is made up of people, of unexpected moments, of all the little things which comehow come together to create life as we know it. It's the bad days, the good days, the amazing days, the duvet days and the top of the world days.

    Life As We Know It is a present day play-by game set in a number of (14!) cities which will hopefully hold a colourful, diverse and eclectic cast of both characters and players where everyone can explore every facet of life. We aim to provide a friendly, cheerful and inspirational place for you, and your friends, to play anything your heart desires.

    the premise, the rules, the holds,
    the characters, the application, the players, the friends button.

    [info]lifeasweknowit / [info]lifeasweoocit / [info]lifeaswewantit

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