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Friday, December 4th, 2009

    Time Event

    1978 had been a brutal and bloody year. The Dark Mark was a regular appearance, families were torn apart and storefronts were closing down because witches stopped shopping for fear of their lives. Each issue of the Daily Prophet seemed to be filled with portents of misfortune. Another death. Another Dark Mark lighting up the sky. Another missing persons poster on the lampposts of Diagon. The signs of the war, so easily overlooked previously, were becoming impossible to ignore. The wizarding community became painfully aware that the next body in the morgue could be their own.

    It grew difficult to stay neutral. Some managed to remain unaffiliated, while others split on either side of a stark division. The Death Eaters were on a quest for the domination of purity, led by a power-hungry Dark Lord. The Order of the Phoenix was a guerrilla group to the Death Eater's organized ranks, taking them out in secret, attempting to neutralize the threats in the name of equality.

    But what happens when the threat simply vanishes? Without Voldemort to lead the Death Eaters, will things be better or worse? Will the attacks stop or become more frequent, more deadly? And what of the Order? Sensing the fading threat, will they dissolve into obscurity, splintering off to live their own lives, or will they remain a unit, ready to defend against the return of darkness?

    1978 is nearing a close. What will the next year hold?

    "Just picture coming home and finding the Dark Mark hovering over your house, and knowing what you’re about to find inside... Everyone’s worst fear...the very worst."
    —Arthur Weasley

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