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Thursday, November 5th, 2009

    Time Event


    A seriously cracked out and stupidly active game.

    Canon Future Gen goes back in time to 1996 to find that the stories they grew up hearing from their parents have all been changed. The Blacks run the Ministry of Magic and Voldemort disappeared in 1980. Nothing is the way it's supposed to be.

    ApplicationHogwarts InformationDrop Box

    Most Wanted Characters Include:
    Orion and Alphard Black, Victoire Weasley, Aberforth Dumbledore, Oliver Wood, Alecto and Amycus Carrow, Arthur, Fred Weasley, Fabian Prewett, Rolf and Newt Scamander, Edward Selwynn, Susan Bones, Orsino Thruston, Stubby Boardman, Millicent Bagnold, Tiberius Snape, Augustus Rookwood, Priam Travers, plus Hugo and Fred Weasley from the future and original characters!
    City of Stars: RP based off the darkside of the Hollywood dream
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    Some will live in shelters, while others walk the streets.
    Some will sleep on cardboard and some on dirty sheets.
    Some will have a soul to sell, while others will want to save.
    Some will wind up famous and others in the grave.” ~D.A.M.

    Come run away to [info]starmod You know you want to make it big.

    [info]cityofstars is an RP based on Hollywood dreamers.
    Not everyone makes it big and those who don't must do what it takes to survive in the city of lost angels and broken dreams.

    ★ Seeking ★
    Script writers, starving artists, starving actors/actresses, musicians, runaways, prostitutes, transvestites, street performers, anyone seeking the dream and finding out that reality bites.


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