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Saturday, October 31st, 2009

    Time Event

    would you like to know more?

    August 1st 1997 was the date that changed the Magical world for ever: battle raged inside the Ministry as Death Eaters fought Aurors and Ministry officials for the control of the Ministry for Magic -- and the control of Wizarding England. The Order of the Phoenix found out hours too late, and by that time, Voldemort had won.

    While the Death Eaters have been running the country, slowly but surely destroying all that was good about wizarding society, Voldemort has been examining the veil in his quest for immortality. What happens in the Department of Mysteries is hidden but what is known is the sudden appearance of the long dead around Diagon and areas of highly concentrated magic. They are lost, confused and out of their time.

    Only time will tell if Voldemort will discover the secret of the veil before Harry Potter finds the horcruxes. Can the hope of an entire world rest on the shoulders of three seventeen year olds?

    Can there be hope even in the DARKEST OF TIMES ?

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