Original Character Friendly RPG ads' Journal
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Sunday, October 18th, 2009

    Time Event
    Act 3
    [info]act3_rpg is a brand new Next Gen game set in 2019. Life has gone back to normal for the survivors; if being a Wizard was normal to begin with. But then again has life really gone back to normal for everyone? The Trio and their friends have children of their own now. Have they taken after their parents? Are they the complete opposite? It's now their turn to create their own stories.

    This is a Third Generation, Canon based game. It picks up two years after the Deathly Hallows Epilogue. Didn't like the Epilogue? That's ok, neither did I, but here's your chance to create your own Epilogue.

    We're currently looking for quite alot of characters, pretty much anyone you can think of in the Potterverse. Weasleys (Ron, Bill, Fleur, Charlie, George, Angelina, Audrey, Hugo, Victoire, Louis, Lucy, Fred, Roxanne), Lily Potter, Neville Longbottom, Hannah Longbottom, Longbottom children, Luna (Lovegood) Scamander, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Viktor Krum, Werewolves (Canon/OC), Any other Hogwarts graduates from the Trio's era, OCs are also accepted (mostly for kids, but acceptions will be made for adults). Bolded Characters are needed for an upcoming plot.

    If anyone is interested you can follow the links below for more info.

    Rules | Available/Held Characters | Taken Characters | Canon Character Histories | Application | Out of Character Comm

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