Original Character Friendly RPG ads' Journal
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Sunday, October 11th, 2009

    Time Event
    Mod post: rules
    Hi everyone. Your friendly mod-type posting here with a few basic rules. I hope to eventually be able to un-moderate this community. However, I want to make the rules very clear here first of all. They are now available on the community profile page, and I'm posting them here as well to make certain that everyone has the chance to see them.

    The rules are effective as of today, October 11th, 2009.


    1. Your RPG MUST allow people to play original characters (hence the name of the community). If your RPG requires that a player pick up a canon character first, that's fine. But people must be allowed to play OCs if your community is advertised here.

    2. You may post twice a month. All posts will be tagged with the appropriate fandom, so it's not necessary to repost your ad every other day to make sure it stays on the front page of the community.

    3. All posts will be moderated, for quality control and to make sure that people are following the rules.

    4. If your community is a canon game, it must say somewhere in your community information (rules, main page, etc.) that OCs are allowed/welcome, etc. If it doesn't, your community will be rejected from the moderation cue without explanation.

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