August 17th, 2007

[info]theladyfeylene in [info]obscurefandom

Dress-up Challenge Fic, Halfblood Chronicles, PG-13

Title: Pomp and Circumstance
Author: [info]theladyfeylene
Fandom: The Halfblood Chronicles
Characters/Pairing: Valyn Hernalth/Shana
Challenge: August, Dress-up Challenge
Warnings and Notes: This is an AU fic, in which the Second Wizard War ended a bit differently than it did in the books. Spoilers for 'The Elvenbane'.
Summary: Shana didn't know anything about Elven politics, or custom or tradition, or how to be charming and demure at parties. She didn't even know how to put on a proper Elven gown - how on earth was she going to manage presenting herself as the Lady of the House of Hernalth?

Pomp and Circumstance )