Wanted PBs or Characters


Amita Suman, Calahan Skogman, Connie Nielsen, Danielle Galligan, David Oyelowo, Eiza González, Gugu Mbatha-Raw, Wunmi Mosaku

Jun. 15th, 2023



Enable Me/Character Ideas

So I have been pondering a second character, and I have a handful I have played before that would slot in nicely into Moon Lake, only I thought I'd see if there was anything in my list that makes anyone go YES THIS. They will likely undergo some changes if I decide on one, but the list under the cut gives a pretty solid overview. If anything jumps out to anyone, I'd love to hear it!

So much under the cut I'm sorry )

Jun. 14th, 2023




Hi Everyone :) I'm dreadful at intro's so this will likely be rambling and unhelpful. I'm Jackie and I'm bringing in Abigail Strand. She's a Werewolf, a Detective with the local Sheriff's Department and has been living here in Moon Lake for the last ten years or so.

While she isn't a full member of the Pack, she is on friendly terms with them and has been known to use her role at the Sheriff's Department to handle situations that require the touch of somebody who is in the Supernatural know.

Rather than me try to explain more about her, I will just direct you to her profile.

Jun. 13th, 2023



o/ Hellooo! (Also, sorry for the long post! 😬)

So while I was in the middle of replying to Dash's intro post, I realized that on the Modly side of things I was going to be posting two or three times so I just decided to throw everything into one post 😂.

For our newer peeps, hello! I'm your resident Mod, Rook, and I've been RPing since the mid-to-late 90s (y'all remember AOL? 🤣). I've done IM RPs, chat RPs, email RPs, forum and message boards, and journal-based RPs. I feel like I've seen it all, but here is some more info:
  • Urban Fantasy-based RPs are my jam so HMU with any ideas you have! They can be storylines for our characters or game-wide ideas.
  • If you noticed the Holds page, I'm not necessarily a stickler for deadlines. I'm firmly in the RP-is-a-Hobby-not-a-Jobby Camp so I'm not here to give you homework or make RP feel like an obligation to meet. That said, however, it's been my experience both as a player and mod that games without ACs either die quickly or slowly fade into the void. I've tried to keep the AC as an attainable goal while still providing structure, but I'm open to tweaking it for the group if y'all feel that's necessary.
  • As a follow-up, I can be inconsistent on this. If anyone here finds that as a Mod or player that I'm doing this too much, please call me out on my BS so I can take steps to better handle deadlines.
  • While I consider myself friendly, I'm also an introvert so if we communicate for the first time and I seem standoffish or distant — that's 100% a Me Problem and absolutely not a You Problem — I'm just trying to find my comfort zone with you.
  • You're welcome to contact me any time through the dropbox or email or you can add me on Discord at shadowoftherook
Current & WIP Characters )

I don't know if anyone would consider these Quality of Life improvements or not, but it's at least an update to you all to let you know that all the links on the front page of [info]moonlake are now accessible. I'm still working on improving the Species page, and if y'all would like, I can add a members area to put a player directory and members only dropbox — just let me know! It would also help me if anyone can let me know if you come across any borked links as I'm not 100% sure if I caught all them this time around. 👍

I know we're still in the early stages of Memorial Day participation right now, but I'll leave that as In Progress for as long as people want to continue writing through the event.

UPCOMING & FUTURE EVENTS — Not set in stone/to be tweaked!
  • June — Watersports Competition.
  • July — Fourth of July (all week)
  • August — Outdoors Competition/End of Summer Event (TBD)
I'm in the middle of getting the June event started, but wanted to know if this is of interest to the group at the moment? If not, it could be something to do in August as an End of Summer event. Here are the games I was thinking of adding for the sports event, but I'd also love to know what else you'd like to see added, too! (Or not if there's a game you'd not like to see.)
  • Water Polo
  • Volleyball
  • Chicken Fight/Shoulder Wars
  • Some sort of water race. (Jet skis? Sail boats? Swimming?)
Lastly, are there any mini-storylines that could or can effect multiple characters or species you'd like to see? Something like a witch's spell doesn't go quite right and a lot of people now have blue hair? Something along those lines or that type of storyline - it doesn't necessarily have to be silly, your idea could also run along or skew to the dark. Just let me know what you would or would not like to do.

If anyone has any questions, you're more than welcome to ask! I'll do my best to answer them 😄.



New Character + Member

Single ● 32 y/o ● Werewolf ● Mechanic
BiographyOOC ContactIC Contact
Hi everyone! I'm Dash and I'm bringing you Cam Reed. She is a feisty, independent, emotionally stunted mechanic who has lived in Moon Lake her whole life. She also happens to be a Werewolf and a member of the local Pack. For everything you could possibly want to know about her, I have linked to her biography above.

I am open to any and all established connections so if anything jumps out, just say the word. I also have a couple of lines listed at the end of her History section if anyone is looking to be enabled. Otherwise I'm sure there will be plenty of opportunities through gameplay.

Now, as for me - I am based in Perth, Australia. I work in Software Development and have been RPing for so long it's almost horrifying. If you would like to know all there is to know about me, you can snoop this post here. Last, but not least, I am on Discord, and anyone in the game is welcome to add me. Just let me know who you play when you do so I can connect names to characters if you could, please! dash#6764


Jun. 10th, 2023




FOR: Lucian Kennedy [info]deadlaughing
Who: Juliette Kennedy (she may be using a different last name by this time)
Suggested PB: Open to suggestions, but I prefer someone who looks to be about the same age as Kennedy.
Anything Else?: The last 80 or 90 years, Juliette has continued to work for Edward and helping him build his criminal empire in Boston. How or why she's in Moon Lake is open for plotting! Though the love between her and Kennedy is long over by this point, they are still fond of each other. She does not care for his lifestyle and believes that a vampire should carry themselves with poise and dignity and definitely not be slinging drinks at a dive bar! As far as lines go, I'm not looking for a ship with these two (though casual partners is fine), but more development: someone for Kennedy to confide in and he can help her loosen up and get the stick out of her butt.

Jun. 9th, 2023



[No Subject]

Hello, everyone and happy Friday!

My name is Fisher. I’ve been RPing in one form or another for the last 20-odd years. I’m happy to be here. I love games and stories with a supernatural bent. More about me is over here on my CDJ. Please feel free to friend my CDJ, if you want!

I’m looking forward to playing with you all! I’ve taken a peek at some of the characters already in play and I’m excited to throw my muses into the mix!

And speaking of which….

I’d like to introduce this guy here. His name is Lucian Kennedy, but he’s likely referred as around town simply by his last name. He is a vampire and is currently working as a bartender for a seedy dive bar that I have not yet named, LOL. He has a reputation for heavy drinking, casual sex and just over all wanting to have a good time.

Under all of that, though, Kennedy is a bit more complicated (as much as he’d like it to be otherwise). His past is littered with tragedy, his Sire wants him dead, his relationship with his estranged wife is Complicated at best and pretty much anyone he has formed any kind of bond with has either died or has turned their back on him. He has his own moral code and is mostly at odds with how his vampire brethren generally behave.

Kennedy has been in Moon Lake for a little while (no more than 5 years) and the goal is for him to form some actual friendships that aren’t just surface level or one-night stands. Basically, I’m looking for someone to become friendly enough with him to call him “Luke.”

Kennedy is available for just about anything, so hit me up with any plots. Best way to reach me is by email during the day or Discord in the afternoon/evenings!



Character Idea

So I freely admit that this character idea came about because of too much Diablo IV recently, but I want to create a gifted human who has death-related abilities such as seeing ghosts or potentially raising and controlling the dead. Haven't pinned down a personality, yet, but am thinking of using Rooney Mara and wanted to know in general if anyone would be interested in playing against this type of character?



Character & PB Caps

Just a couple things...
  1. This will be temporary, but since we're down to one female PC I'm putting a temporary cap on male characters (excluding current holds).
  2. I'm also temporarily increasing the character cap from 4 to 6 for each player.
If you have questions about this, feel free to leave them below or in the dropbox.


Jun. 1st, 2023



Group Event

The Memorial Day event is posted and I do apologize that it took so long to get it up and running. Details of the event can be found here and any character is welcome to participate in it.

If you have questions about the event, leave a comment below.

May. 27th, 2023



Site Downage & Activity

Hello everyone!

If you were trying to do anything on IJ within the last 24 hours or so (May 26 - 27th), then you're aware that until about 5:30pm EST today the site was down. Given that we lost a day to do stuff, and that we've kind of had a slow start to the group, I am only going to require a soft/voluntary activity check for May. This means that if you want to, you may link back to any IC activity you've done in May on the 30th. For June's activity, I was thinking that anything you've done between May 15th and June 30th will count toward your activity.

Leave a comment below if you have any questions, suggestions, etc.

May. 26th, 2023



Memorial Day Block Party

Hi all! I'm working on getting a thread up for the block party and would like to know which characters wanted their businesses on the NPC/Business list. So far, the list consists of...
  • Luke Smith (NPC for character interactions)
  • Rhys Howell (NPC for character interactions, business - Noctua)
  • Finn Walsh (Character interactions, business - The Mad Batter)
  • Eric Payne (He'll probably be shadowing Luke on-and-off)

May. 25th, 2023



[No Subject]

Hi everyone! I'm Ivan, and I'm happy to be here! I was glad to see that y'all were still open and playing because I had been looking at the game for a while.

So! This is Truman Jolie, witch extraordinaire. He's a friendly and welcoming fellow, and all he wants to do is take your picture. No. Kidding. That sounds creepy, but he is a photographer who spent a lot of his life working for a big firm in Nevada before he lost the love of his life to a health issue. After he died, Tru wanted a bit of a reset and he gave up the glamour and glitz of the big city.

Now he owns a small local photography shop and is a regular at all the Moon Lake staples, of course. He makes his living with prom photos and family sessions, which is a big change from magazine spreads and website posing, but he's enjoying the quieter life. He has been in town for a little less than a decade, around nine years.

Magic wise, Tru comes from a long line of witches and is exceptionally powerful, though he'd never boast about it and he firmly believes in only using his powers to help and heal. He's never really used them for personal gain beyond a bit of help here and there. He is exceptional on potion brewing and spells that promote health and healing, and his family's grimoire is his most prized possession.

I'd love to figure something out with you guys!

May. 22nd, 2023



Hello, Hello!

Hello, everyone! My name is Rook, your resident Mod, and I'm real happy and excited to see y'all here. I've got two werewolves you can read about below, but plenty of other characters in the wings that I can adapt if anyone needs or wants lines filled, although I'll probably throw this guy into the mix sooner rather than later 😆.

Finn Walsh

Finn is the Alpha of the local pack since just before Gifted Humans and Witches were revealed. Born and raised in England, the better part of Finn's life, however, has taken place in the States where his family lead a criminal enterprise for most of the 1920s running rum, whiskey, drugs, and guns. Finn's participation in his family's activities, however, ended about a year after they crossed a family of witches who cursed them with Lycanthropy and he moved west to settle in Moon Lake for a time before moving on during the Great Depression. Post WWII saw him settling and re-settling in the area many times before returning at the request of the previous Alpha.

The family curse made Finn do a lot of soul searching and 95% of the time you'll find him to be an approachable, warm-hearted individual who only wants the best for his blood relations and pack. When it comes to the pack, Finn is Ride or Die, but, as evidenced by his past, his loyalty to blood will get him into trouble.

Eric Payne

Originally a war photographer, Eric came to Moon Lake after suffering injuries on the job hoping that the local coven would be able to help him recover. Since then he'd been reassigned to document the life and interactions of Luke Smith, the Gifted human that made the little town infamous.

Eric has an exuberant personality and absolutely loves his family. He has an eye for detail and is very passionate about his work as a photographer although he sometimes butts heads with Luke when he gets overzealous. Eric is currently mentoring Gina, a woman he accidentally turned.

May. 12th, 2023



Family & Other Connections

CONNECTIONS [info]runallnight, other pack members, family, other connections
WANTED PBs Timothy Omundson for Eric's father, Rachel Weisz for Eric's mother, Rebecca Ferguson for Eric's sister, open to anyone for his Bestie or Ex.

I'm looking to form some family connections such as his father, mother, and one of his sisters. Richard Payne (Werewolf) is kind of a tight ass, blunt, and to the point. This is off-set by his wife, Charlotte Payne (Witch), who has a more carefree outlook on life and is usually more diplomatic. Blanche Payne (Werewolf, but has some minor power in witchcraft) is one of Eric's younger sisters who is the serious, no nonsense type, and tends to be a stickler for the rules.

Eric met his Best Friend in middle school when both their fathers were stationed at the same base and bonded over the fact that they both came from supernatural or paranormal backgrounds. They got into plenty of mischief as kids and they probably contributed a gray hair or two that grew on the heads of their respective fathers. They've been through thick and thin with each other and when Eric decided to move to Moon lake, the bestie supported him by coming with.

Natalie Beckett, Eric's ex, is on the precipice of either being a thorn in Eric's side and, by extension, the supernatural community due to her dismal view of it or an ally. They were together and broke up before gifted humans were outed and witches revealed themselves and the two of them haven't seen each other since Eric left the Boston area. Maybe Natalie's view hasn't changed and maybe it has.

Apr. 29th, 2023



Pack Enforcer

CONNECTIONS [info]noblehunter, other pack members
WANTED PBs Open to suggestions
The ENFORCER is also a long-standing member of the pack and the left-hand wolf of [info]noblehunter. Their likability varies depending on who you talk to, but the pack overall is satisfied with them in their duties. Also may or may not be a member of the Ride or Die Club with the pack LIEUTENANT and [info]noblehunter.

Apr. 27th, 2023



Pack Lieutenant

CONNECTIONS [info]noblehunter, other pack members
WANTED PBs Calahan Skogman preferred, but open to suggestions.
The LIEUTENANT has been a long-standing member of the pack who is the right-hand wolf of [info]noblehunter and is well-liked by most of the current members. Dedicated to the pack, he's there for any member that approaches him or needs his help. May or may not have membership in the Ride or Die Club with [info]noblehunter and the pack ENFORCER.