September 15th, 2023




hello moon lakers! (moon lakers?) my name is margot and i am truly dreadful with intros, so bear pls with me. mea culpa.

this little neon moonchild is ruby rhodes. she's a town native who has never taken so much as a step outside it's borders, largely for economic and middle self-sufficiency reasons. the rhodes and ruby in particular are the subject of much town housewife gossip starting from family's volatility to her mother's mysterious (and possibly fae related) dissapearance to her father's alchocol od death to ruby's not-so-secret job as a prositute. ruby is very much a woman-child flying by the seat of her pants and an overweening sense of very misplaced hopes for the future which has only been bitter-sweetly exacerbated by magicâ„¢ going mainstream.

personality wise, she is a soft little fool who probably wouldn't survive fifteen minutes in a big city, so honestly for the best she's never left.

her full bio is here, because my sparknotes are absolutely awful. she's is open for absolutely anything anyone may need of her (ooc and ic, ironically). you can find her dropbox over here and you can find me on discord at margalot. wild excited to write with you all!