August 10th, 2023



[No Subject]

Hello, Everyone! Fisher here with my fourth and probably final character, for a while (though I say taht and watch me app another one next month... >.>)

Anyway, I've mentioned Blair McCormack quite a few times in the chat and he is finally here! He is one of Finn's buddies from the Great War and is one of the Shasta-Klamath Pack lieutenants. Blair is originally from Scotland, but has been living in the US since the early 1940's. He has spent a good chunk of his life working for the Browne Agency, which is an investigative firm much like the Pinktertons, but skewed towards supernatural cases. Please feel free for your characters to have heard of the Browne Agency, as I'm sure they have a reputation among the supernatural and Gifted community

Blair was based out of Boston for a while, but has been literaly all over the country the last 70 years or so. He's been living in Moonlake since 2010 and in 2013 started a private investigating business. He primarily handles mundane cases and sometimes consults with the local PD. However, he'll take on a more "exciting" case if the situation is right.

Overall Blair is a good-natured sometimes goofy guy with an easy smile and a tendency to be impulsive. He can be professional and serioues when he wants to, or needs to be. He's extremly loyal to Finn and the pack and by extension anyone in it as well as those considered Friends of the Pack. Moonlake is his home and he will do anything to defend it. He has a temper and if pushed so far can be incredibly dangerous.

More about Blair can be found here.

Blair, along with the rest of my crew are all open for shennanigans!

Bring me the plots!!