July 16th, 2023



hi hello!

My name is Clez, I live in the UK, I've been RPing since what feels like the dawn of time, and you can blame your friendly neighbourhood Goldie for subjecting you all to my eccentricities. A little about me: I work a Monday-Friday 9-to-5 office job wherein I have far too much responsibility, I love writing and making icons, and sometimes I'm far too forgetful and scatter-brained.

I'm being ambitious and bringing two at once!

  • Remington Howard is a born werewolf who works as a kickboxing coach at a local gym and is one of four siblings (all the others are male and NPCs up for grabs; one of them is a twin to Remi here!). She's bold, outgoing, outspoken, and she'll have your back in a heartbeat if you're family or pack or just One of Her People. She wears her heart on her sleeve and isn't afraid to just be herself.

  • Cole Danvers (~disunite) is a Gifted human with the powers of precognition, psychometry, retrocognition, and mediumship. He seems to be one of the older characters in the game (mortal, at least) that I can see, and he's worn and weathered and a bit on the world-weary side :( He's been through the wringer and comes with TWs for substance abuse and just general misery and sad-panda-ness. But he knows Mercy through online forums and so he's coming to Moon Lake to crash in her motel room, probably on the floor or couch or something. Work-wise he's a contractor for the hunter community, using his abilities to try and track down supernaturals who might need a'huntin'. It's a shady-ass job and he'll be very tight-lipped about it, thankyouverymuch.

    So those are my two! I'm very excited to be here, but nervous as hell, and also available on discord at inthebloodline -- please come at me with line ideas or just general whateverness :'D I really should be in bed omg.