July 9th, 2023



The Absent Father

CONNECTIONS [info]lilblackbird

The Fae. The Mystery. The Enigma. Lonán knows very little about his father as his mother, Aoife, has not spoken a word since his birth in order to protect both him and his father's identity. However, growing up that didn't mean there weren't... rumors. It was this or that noble within the Winter Court and when he kept being passed off from one Court to another, it was this or that noble in whatever Court he was visiting until King Oberon showed him favor during his time in Summer. Then the Rumor Mill really started to grind. Perhaps his father wasn't among the nobility, but was in fact amongst the royals! Perhaps he was That Prince who left Summer and yet to return...



The Arrangement

CONNECTIONS [info]lilblackbird
WANTED PBs Lily-Rose Depp or someone within the same age range

Long before heading into the realm of mortals, Queen Titania and Aoife were in talks with various noble families from the Spring and Summer Court of arranging a marriage between Lonán and a daughter of the nobility. Lonán is hopeful that it will be someone from Summer, but given the animosity between the two Courts he isn't holding his breath.

Since Lonán has been in the Winter Court for nearly the past century and a half, I'm looking for someone who really only knows him by his reputation and seen him from a distance when Lonán visited their respective Court. Despite that, they are curious enough about his motivations for coming to the realm of mortals (seriously, who wants to be here???) to find out why and get to know him better.