July 2nd, 2023



[No Subject]

Hello, hello! Fisher here again with my third and final character (for now).

This is Isaac Rasmussen, he's a werewolf who got in to town the same time Autumn did (Autumn's mentioned him in a few of her interactions already). The two of them are living in his Winnebego on a pay-by-the-day lot at the Ridge View Estates. He'll be working with Cam as a mechanic at the mechanic's shop.

Isaac is a tough nut to crack. He was raised by vampires (read: taught to be their pet), and while he is long past being under their influence, he still has that mindset of "be useful", especially to those he cares about. More about Isaac can be read over here.

Isaac is also a closet geek. He loves movies (he'll be at Brews & Views next month), and comic books and just geeky things in general. He also drinks way too much coffee/energy drinks and has a weakness for fast food.

Isaac, along with the rest of my cast are open for anything! I even have a roster now!