May 22nd, 2023



Hello, Hello!

Hello, everyone! My name is Rook, your resident Mod, and I'm real happy and excited to see y'all here. I've got two werewolves you can read about below, but plenty of other characters in the wings that I can adapt if anyone needs or wants lines filled, although I'll probably throw this guy into the mix sooner rather than later 😆.

Finn Walsh

Finn is the Alpha of the local pack since just before Gifted Humans and Witches were revealed. Born and raised in England, the better part of Finn's life, however, has taken place in the States where his family lead a criminal enterprise for most of the 1920s running rum, whiskey, drugs, and guns. Finn's participation in his family's activities, however, ended about a year after they crossed a family of witches who cursed them with Lycanthropy and he moved west to settle in Moon Lake for a time before moving on during the Great Depression. Post WWII saw him settling and re-settling in the area many times before returning at the request of the previous Alpha.

The family curse made Finn do a lot of soul searching and 95% of the time you'll find him to be an approachable, warm-hearted individual who only wants the best for his blood relations and pack. When it comes to the pack, Finn is Ride or Die, but, as evidenced by his past, his loyalty to blood will get him into trouble.

Eric Payne

Originally a war photographer, Eric came to Moon Lake after suffering injuries on the job hoping that the local coven would be able to help him recover. Since then he'd been reassigned to document the life and interactions of Luke Smith, the Gifted human that made the little town infamous.

Eric has an exuberant personality and absolutely loves his family. He has an eye for detail and is very passionate about his work as a photographer although he sometimes butts heads with Luke when he gets overzealous. Eric is currently mentoring Gina, a woman he accidentally turned.