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July 28th, 2015


[No Subject]

What's up guys I'm Tate. Actor, coffee addict (which goes a long way to explain why I'm awake at this time), occasional singer although I'd love to do more. Currently I'm filming The Magnificent Seven with none other than [info]morganjoshua, it's exhausting but I'm having a blast.

So some of you I know and some I don't. In an effort to change that tell me about yourself, if you like you can also answer some or all of these.

*What would you sing at Karaoke night?
*If you could share a meal with any 4 individuals, living or dead, who would they be?
*If you could choose to do anything for a day, what would it be?
*Drive a car, ride a bike or ride a horse, which do you pick?
*What played last on your iPod/car stereo etc?

I'll start, seems only fair I'm prepared to answer my own questions. I'd sing Creep by Radiohead, there are many other songs that'd make my list but I wouldn't want to hog the mic. ;) I'd share a meal with Alan Turing, Arthur Miller, Jimi Hendrix and Freddie Mercury. If I could do absolutely anything for a day I'd probably go and snoop around The White House. I mean how many people get to see all of it, I figure I may as well do something I wouldn't normally. Drive a car, if I were to put them in order the horse would be last choice. Finally the last song that played on my iPod was.. Love Shack by The B52's. (I have a lot of random stuff on there.)