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Wednesday, March 9th, 2011

    Time Event
    Email Blasted Onto the Underground Network
    Ok, The Goddess is offically freaking.

    Boy Wonder came looking for some of the candy I keep in the lair, usually no big deal since the team is know to raid my candy bowl. But this time was different, I saw several nasty bruises and well Boy Wonder did not look like himself (plus he looked like he had been crying). All he could tell me between bites was memories of an old case, one where the unsub basically tortured him.

    Besides that there's been bodies all over DC and nearby towns nobody on the team can explain. Nothing screaming our usual unsub so I'm asking you guys, feed me info? Sooner the better and I'll help out however I can.

    The Goddess

    (OOC Note: Boy Wonder is Spencer Reid)

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