April 20th, 2010

[info]_foreseen in [info]novusmundus

Who: Cassandra and Albus
What: Cassandra visits Albus
When: Late Tuesday evening
Where: The hospital
Rating: Low
Status: Incomplete

What I see, when I dream, hurts like hell and back )

[info]lord_protector in [info]novusmundus

Who: Albus Dumbledore and Remus Lupin
What: An assassination attempt.
When:  Very early Tuesday morning
Where: Hospital, Berlin
Rating: Likely nothing outlandish
Status: Complete

[info]kastration in [info]novusmundus

Who: Kastra Dumbledore and Regulus Black
What: Bumping into each other...literally!
When: Mid-day Tuesday
Where: Hogwarts Corridor
Rating: Low for now
Status: Incomplete

It then occurred to her that if her father were to die, she'd be entirely alone in the world. )