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Friday, June 8th, 2007

    Time Event
    Bright Green Pea and Tarragon Soup
    Bright Green Pea and Tarragon Soup

    This is just about the easiest and quickest soup on the planet, tastes good and it only has five ingredients! I love dishes that only have a few ingredients, mainly because I am a very lazy cook.

    Half fill a small saucepan with frozen peas. Cover with cold water to the level of the top of the peas.

    Throw in as much fresh, dried or frozen tarragon as you like. I use one large tablespoon to half a small saucepan of peas.

    Bring to boil then turn off heat.

    Blend the peas with the water until a puree and then add milk to a consistency you like.

    Float a large knob of butter on top and stir about a bit. You can add salt if you like but I think it takes away some of the sweetness.

    Reheat if it needs it, although if you are quick enough you might not need to.

    Current Mood: need soup!

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