January 31st, 2018

[info]emptypieplate in [info]novellalogs

Who: The Winchesters
When: 01/31/18
Where: bar
What: finding Dean's poor depressed ass
Warnings: TBD (but mentions suicidal thoughts)
Status: Closed/Ongoing

I need some temporary saving )

[info]fae_royalty in [info]novellalogs

Who: Miles & LJ
When: 01/31/18
What: their first date
Where: movie theater
Warnings: Low most likely
Status: Closed/Ongoing

Boyfriend. He liked the sound of that )

[info]runswith_wolves in [info]novellalogs

Who: Scott & Mitch
When: 01/3018 (backdated a bit)
Where: Mitch's
What: hanging out, datish
Warnings: TBD
Status: Closed/Ongoing

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