September 1st, 2007

[info]chichirinoda in [info]novel_in_90

It's September 1st! Day one

That means, [info]novel_in_90 is starting its first round TODAY.

Not ready to start writing yet? Too bad. Do the research for later parts of the novel after you've written your three pages for the day.

Been waiting for that engraved invitation to thump its way into your mailbox? Here it is.

Think I'm crazy for thinking that this is all it takes and you should actually start writing now, because it's so hard and OMG I'm not ready?

Too bad, because I'm right. Get your butt in the chair, get your fingers on the keyboard, and get writing. You'll curse me now, and thank me later.

Just as a quick reminder of what this is all about, starting today you and I and everyone else in this community is going to write a minimum of 750 words each day, every day, no exceptions, until that mythical day 90 days from now, which should be somewhere around the end of November. That's approximately three typed pages, if you were writing in manuscript format for a novel.

The total, when we get to the end, is 67,500 glorious typed words. That could be a whole novel, if your novels tend to run a bit short. Even if your novel isn't that short (which mine won't be, I assure you) you'll still have written 67,500 words of it more than you otherwise would have accomplished.

So sound off! How many words did you write today, this wonderful first day of September?

[info]chichirinoda in [info]novel_in_90

Introduction Post

Greetings all!

It's day one of a new round, and things are seeming a little quiet. But that's OK. The day's not over yet.

I wanted to encourage people to make a post to introduce themselves, maybe say why you thought this crazy thing was a good idea, or what you intend to get out of it. This is a community of people with the same desires - to write a novel in 90 days, and we should support and encourage each other.

And mock, of course, when necessary.

Anyway, I'll start.

I'm [info]chichirinoda, also known as Cnd, and some other names in real life XD

I came off of a 5-year stint of total writer's block last November, when I attempted NaNoWriMo for the fourth time and instead of failing miserably as I had the previous three times, I succeeded spectacularly. I attribute this entirely to the fact that I suddenly remembered that writing was fun and not work, and I encourage you to try implementing this startling idea into your own writing.

Anyway, after NaNo, I entered what's popularly known by me as the "Post NaNoWriMo Slump" and barely wrote anything in December. After which, I discovered this community, over on Livejournal.

I started writing again in January, and haven't looked back. For the most part, with occasional intrusions of real life and insanity, I have written at least 750 words of something (not always the same project) every day since then. Dang.

So when I moved from Livejournal to our new haven over here, I knew that I needed this to keep me going. I started this community, and I hope to have as much fun here as I did over on Livejournal.

I'm not working on any one project at this point. I'm working on a second draft of the novel I started last November, as well as a long fanfic and a sundry of smaller fics. I know that the stated purpose of the community is to write a single novel, but I figure that you get out of it what you put into it, and different people have different needs. If it's easy for you to write dozens of things, but not write something long, then use this as an opportunity to write something long. If you have 80 bazillion projects on the go, then use this as a jumpstart to finish some things.

For me, all I really need for now is to just keep the butt in the chair, so that's what I do. I'll be working on Just One Thing this coming November.

So...that's me XD Who're you?

[info]ex_monkey200 in [info]novel_in_90

o geez

It's a new round today? Why didn't I have any warning? :)

Okay, I'm doing an intro. I'm working full time in finance as well as part time on my second bachelor's, but what I really want to do is write. Somehow, I'm trying to make time for that too. I need arbitrary deadlines or I tend to let slide what I really care about, and I don't want to do that.

And of course this is starting right before a business trip, but life is about challenging yourself (or drinking too much soda and not sleeping) right?

So I guess I'm off and running. Conveniently, I wrote about a hundred words already today.

February 2008

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