May 21st, 2015



Hello lovelies!

Because I'm easily enabled and give into peer pressure, I'm bringing Seth Gecko from From Dusk Til Dawn [TV Series]. He's coming in from the end of the season. He's going to be a little down because he couldn't save his brother and annoyed that he has been kidnapped. Also, as Amber has said, when he sees Bobbi, he's going to be confused as she looks like his ex wife.

Seth likes to rob banks in his spare time and he'll be probably getting into some trouble. He's going to try to be good for awhile though. He may not be hitting any banks right away but if you'd like your character to maybe be robbed by him, let me know.

I owe a few tags from Steve and I promise I'll get to them today at some point!

As always, Steve and Seth are up for anything so let me know if you want to plot!
