May 15th, 2015



Hey guys! I'm currently mobile so this will be brief, but I wanted to introduce myself. I'm Jamie. I'm a 20-something grad student. And I'm bringing you the Vision, from Avengers: Age of Ultron! He is an android, he's an Avenger, he's awesome, and he can lift Mjolnir like a sunuvabitch.

And if you ever find high res screen caps of him please link me because his icons are mostly terrible.

Ummmm he has an app I would ordinarily link you but which you can also find by clicking on his journal and it'll be the first entry.

Friends? Romans? Countrymen?



This weekend is a bit rough - we had to put our two ferrets down today, i bought a new grill, im grilling for friends, and we're going out to dinner tomorrow (social interactions in big places = stressy) plus some serious health issues for me - means I might be a little slow! But I WILL get to tags! PROMISE!

Sailor Pluto needs a log! LOG ME. DO EET. please? Rogue can always use another tooo!
