March 29th, 2015



Because I literally do all the 'paperwork' with Pepper's journal on account of reasons. Paige here, and this is my lovely cast:

Pepper Potts - this journal - who's coming from post-IM 3 with knowledge of what happened at ~blank_page and all the friends she made there.  She's the organized type, and thoroughly enjoys work.  She's been making good progress on her relationship with Tony, and she intends to keep on going.

Natasha Romanoff - [info]russianspy - comes post-CA:TWS and ready to find out who Natasha Romanoff really is.  She burned a lot of her identities and covers, as many as she could in the data dump looking for a fresh start that she knew she'd never get any other way.  She's kind of badass and prone to violence if someone touches her weapons. 

Steve Rogers - [info]kidfrombrooklyn - comes post-CA:TWS as well.  He's on a mission to find his Buckybear best friend turned brainwashed assassin, Bucky Barnes.  Generally speaking, he's a great guy and kind enough to make friends with just about anyone.  But please, keep the bald eagle/american spirit jokes to a minimum, Tony.

Violet Parr - [info]violetparr - comes five years post-The Incredibles, and also remembers what happened at ~blank_page.  She's made friends with John Wick, Elijah Mikaelson, and a handful of others.  She's trying to figure out a way to be a Super and a grow up.  She doesn't do so well without her family support, so forgive any outbursts.

Abigail Whistler - [info]playlistfighter - comes post-Blade: Trinity, and has a serious hard on for killing vampires, so I'd suggest the blood-drinking inclined should stay away.  Otherwise, she's got epic taste in music and is a killer shot. 

Ella - [info]kindwithcourage - comes from the newest Cinderella movie, after she's returned from the ball. She's a kind hearted young woman who truly believes in magic and fairytales.  She is unfailingly courageous and kind, in an attempt to live up to the memories of her mother and father.  She will, secretly, be grateful for the reprieve from Lady Tremaine and her stepsisters.

That's all of mine! I'm up for anything and everything, so throw it at me!
