Not Honest: An Original RPG


May 23rd, 2008

nothonestnpcs @ 12:25 am: Who: Landon (NPC Hunter) and OPEN
When: Late Friday Night
Where: Hyde Park Area

Go here, bloody Spaniard says. 'Evil' is waiting. Bugger all, I don' see no evil. All I see is a few bums and a goddamned bunch of kids who shouldn't be wanderin' around this late at night. Likes to get their necks bit if they stay out. Landon grumbled inwardly, keeping his focus for the most part to the streets and the damp grass of the park. He'd been hired freelance by a group of crazy hunters, some brethren or other who fancied themselves the next Crusade or Inquisition.

So he got paid to off a few vampires, chase a few demons. No skin off of his hide, right? And hell's bells, better pay if there was skin off his hide. He'd been hunting for his fair share of years, ever since his mum'd come home with a gaping wound in her neck from some crazed lunatic who'd had the gall to snatch her purse too. Hadn't killed her, just driven her round the bend, and the only thing that made her feel better was to hear from Landon himself that he'd killed another sucker just for her. So what if the rest of the family thought it a lie.

Turning the corner, Landon froze, lifting his narrow chin. The noise he'd heard had startled him, but not so much as the figure coming out of the trees. Crouching down, he waited, gaging his prey. If it moves like a vamp and it looks like a vamp...

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