Not Honest: An Original RPG


March 31st, 2008

je_marais @ 10:13 pm: Who: Julian Marais, Arsène Paquet
Where: the riverfront
When: Monday, just before midnight

Julian limps away from the park, moving quickly lest the dark one change his mind and come after him again. His back is raw and bleeding from the rough bark of the tree he was flung against, and there's a lump on the back of his head. He touches his fingers to it, making a soft mew of pain. He shouldn't have challenged the older one, he knows that, but he's still taken aback by the ferocity of the other vampire's reaction. He didn't have to hurt me, Julian thinks, sulking a little. I only wanted to...

To what?

He frowns as he passes through a thicket of trees, leaves crunching under his boots. What did he want? To talk, he supposes, to pass the time with one of his own kind. Perhaps even to hunt together. He feels stupid now, like a silly boy hanging about the schoolyard hoping to make friends. He scowls as he ducks under a low-hanging branch, emerging on the other side of the woods. He's tired of being lonely. Loneliness means weakness. He must learn to be strong like Leo.

He clears the top of a hill. The river lies below, black and shimmering in the moonlight. His heart immediately aches for his Sire. The riverfront was always their hunting ground, ever since that first night. Tears sting his eyes and he chides himself for thinking he could ever be like him. Leo can be alone, needs to be alone, but Julian...Julian will forever need him, yearn for him, wait to be with him. He sighs a little, making his way to the water's edge. He stands there, staring out at the water, feeling very alone indeed.

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