Not Honest: An Original RPG


March 28th, 2008

thispicture @ 09:55 pm: been smoking too long
Who: Brody and Raven
Where: Outside a convenience store
When: Friday afternoon

You know what sucks about England? You still have to be 18 to buy cigarettes. And Brody, well, he's got this little baby face, he can't pass for any older than 16, which means he gets carded for everything... if he were a girl, he'd have an easier time, he thinks. Just flash a little boob. Unfortunately, though he can pass as female relatively easily, he's still got a flat chest. Nothing to be done there.

So he goes into a store and asks for a pack of smokes with as much confidence as he can muster, sending out all those 'I AM TOTALLY OF AGE!' vibes, and he still gets shot down. One of these days he'll find that one store clerk who doesn't give a crap and sells them to him anyway--this is not that day. So when he gets turned down he sighs and leaves, and then finds the nearest hobo he can, handing him a tenner and telling him he can keep the change if he gets him a pack of cloves. Hey, it always worked back in Kentucky.

So this is why he's loitering outside the store, looking as inconspicuous as one gets in all-black with artfully messy, dark make up and giant stompy boots of death. He actually folds his arms behind his back and whistles Dixie, hips sticking out. ...If he were in a skirt, he'd look like a baby hooker.

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