Jan. 1st, 2022



[No Subject]

Something het for this guy?

Dec. 29th, 2021



[No Subject]

Hey guys. It’s Amber.

I was talking about brining in another character, and I think I’m going to. He’s going to be a 29/30 year old dude (with Booboo Stewart face). He’s from a very religious family that he ditched when he was expected to marry at 19 (think something akin to the Duggar group). He was definitely the black sheep of the family, he cared for his younger sister for a short time when she was kicked out of their family home and now has custody of her child.

I believe he’s going to be a pretty good friend of Billie’s but I’m open to other things too.

Dec. 28th, 2021



[No Subject]

Hey all, I'm interested in joining, but am having a terrible time deciding on a character! So who needs lines?

note: I do not typically play "faces" - I am looking for plot, characterization, etc for helping determine who I play!

Dec. 18th, 2021



[No Subject]

Hi, my name is Amber. I’m working on a character for this game, but it has been a pretty long time since I’ve done an original Character game. So patience is great! Lol.

I’m working on a character with the Tom Holland face. His name is Zachary Sterling; He’s the middle child from a completely typical middle class family. He has a successful older brother named Evan and a younger sister named Ashley. He was born and raised in Tampa, Florida, where he did community college and tried to figure out what he wanted to do while working at Busch Gardens. Eventually he got into the Disney Culinary Program, He graduated last year and as been Working at as a Chef Assistant at Be Our Guest in Magic Kingdom. He’s been in the Orlando area for the last two or three years and he is 26 years old. He’s open to all sorts of things, and lives with roommates.

I’m still putting together his application, but I would love to put some feelers out for some in game connections to help him get established in game.

Dec. 12th, 2021



[No Subject]

Tweaking this guy's bio and i'll be applying him soon-ish. This is George. He's a recent transplant from TBD, but someplace with real seasons and snow. He's retired Army, now HS History teacher. he's moved into the complex with his much younger spouse [info]nonograms.

Nov. 8th, 2021


[No Subject]

Hello! If I brought a Gal Gadot pb in what kind of lines would she be welcomed with? Think I’ll keep her background, she’s a professional photographer, was divorced a couple of years ago. I’d love to find the ex husband (originally from England so his no longer in the country but the friend can still be!) friend she got close too during the divorce. Maybe a younger (m) lover, as she gets back out in the dating world? I originally have her from LA with her parents in the entertainment industry but can change her birthplace if anyone would like family.

Nov. 4th, 2021



[No Subject]

Hello! I've been searching for a lovely home with relatable writers and I've landed on your little home and I think it sounds lovely. So, just in case this is where I stick (and I hope it is!) I f if Fred talking some lines wouldn't be a bad thing.

This is Perry, and he's a veterinarian. He's lived in Orlando since finishing Veterinary school, so for a few years now, and I'd love to figure some things out for him. He's very friendly and open and doesn't meet a stranger. If you have animals, that's an even bigger plus because he ❤️ animals. He would love some parents of patients, people he's helped adopt or foster, or anything work related really. He also had the ONE big ex (m) that kind of wrecked his world when he left him, so finding him could be awesome to flesh out and figure out that dynamic.

I think you all sound amazing, and I hope you'll take to Perry as well! Friends, enemies, lovers, patients, friends with benefits, or an hurt bing in between would be amazing.

Oct. 28th, 2021



[No Subject]

hello everyone! thinking of bringing this girl in and figured i'd toss her out for some lines while i tweak her bio.

becca kaplan is a 30-something emergency room nurse who's been living in orlando for many years. i'm thinking she went to nursing school there and just ended up staying. she's a born and raised floridian though, having grown up in st. augustine. becca comes off as married to her job, is secretly a hopeless romantic with terrible luck in relationships, is the owner of a massive dog named buster and a chaos demon in the form of a cat named snarf, and is in the process of remodeling her house by herself. she loves to travel, is learning more about her jewish identity, and ultimately needs all the things so let me love you pls.

Oct. 21st, 2021



[No Subject]

Just applied this dude. he's a freelance photojournalist, specialises in sports/action photography but he can do just about anything really. been in the area for a number of years, less than 5 tho. could use anything for him. anyone have something he could fill?

Sep. 28th, 2021



[No Subject]

So, since I just apped this girl last night, I guess it's time to get some more lines for her. This is Violet Blackwood, who grew up in Lake Mary - about half an hour north of Orlando. She lived in Florida until she was 21, at which point she took the opportunity to study abroad in Paris for her last semester of college and ended up staying there. She became a teacher in an international school and never intended to move back stateside, but... things happen. Her father was diagnosed with a terminal illness, so she came back to the US and settled in Orlando, since she got a teaching job there. All of this happened in like, June of this year, so she's still very new to the city.

Right now her only connection is [info]josh_t, who is one of her coworkers at the high school she teaches at. She's a crafter and has a little Etsy shop called Violette's Cellar where she sells mostly knitted goods, but she's a DIY queen and can tackle just about any project you put in front of her.

Sep. 24th, 2021



[No Subject]

Hi, my name is JJ and I'm sniffing around your game lol.

I've been looking for a slice of life game for the longest time. I'm oversaturated on HP, werewolves, vampires, post apocalypse... and I've never really got panfandom games. This game seems right up my alley in that I would write and explore my character fully, and grow her relationships etc.

My girl's name is Taisiya, she's 30, she was born in the former Soviet Union, but grew up mostly in America. She has a personality written, but I'm working on her history, and hoping you guys have some lines you need filling while I do so.

I'm faithinthesound#3295 on Discord, and I'd love to hear from you! I'm not new to rping, but I do have a new email for rp, to keep things organized.

Ask me anything! Looking forward to meeting you!


Sep. 14th, 2021



[No Subject]

Hi All!

First up, I want to apologise for not being around too much recently. M is aware, but I have had some health problems which has led to my energy levels being slightly in the toilet the last few weeks. As a result, I have missed intro's from some of you lovely new people and fallen behind with the older people.

So, with that in mind, I am going to re-intro some of my guys!

First up is Carmen, a 32-year old (33 on Saturday) Detective with the Local PD. Carmen was born in Mexico but has been in Orlando for most of her adult life. She is a serial commitaphobe, so if anyone wants to be an ex-boyfriend or fwbs, then I am down for this! Would ideally love some good friends for her, the type she could go out and grab a drink with sometime.

Next up is Alexa ([info]polished_), a recent divorcee and deputy headteacher at the yet unnamed high school close to the apartment block. She is from quite an affluent family with property all over the place, but after a messy divorce, she felt the need to simplify her life and downsize while she was sorting out her life. Since moving into the block, she has started seeing the rather cute Colton, a fact that she still feels in complete shock is happening.

Then, lastly (for now) is Izzy ([info]restless_), again another commitaphobe who accidentally found herself married to her childhood best friends older brother (whoops). Izzy is a bartender who frequently picks up shifts around Universal and Disney.

If anyone would like any scenes with any of these, please let me know! I'd love to get my kids back out there into the game properly.

Also, as a side note, I have a plan to bring in a firefighter with an Alberto Rosende face. If anyone would like any plots with him too, shout me!

Thank you!

Tori (Discord: Tori #3639)

Aug. 14th, 2021


[No Subject]

Hi!  This is Ava, she is 24 and works at Sea Base at Epcot, with ~cnlan. She is a native and has also been singing at the church since she was a kid. Even though she has lost some faith when her big brother was killed while on duty (he was a cop). Working with animals and riding horses has helped her and not go off the rails. Id love to discuss lines with you all. If someone wants to bring in her best male best friend and a guy they met in college Id love to try something different with her. If not can discuss other possibilities.

Aug. 11th, 2021



[No Subject]

Hi everyone!

This is Mia, I'd love to bring her into the comm!

So give me what you are looking for. Love all kinds of lines. Friends, Family, Romance.

This 21 year old is a Florida native but has only been in the Orlando area for 6 months. She works at Walt Disney World as a "friend" of Rapunzel. She loves music, baking, dogs and tattoos (which she covers up when working).

Jul. 29th, 2021



[No Subject]

Hi class, my name is Nic. It's 11 o'clock at night and I'm entirely too hyper for this time of night so this is probably going to be a lot of info dump in addition to chaotic because it's probably time to sleep but I'm resisting, as I'm making headway on her bio, so I need to throw this lady out there for stuff.

Meet Charlotte Halliday, aka Char or Charlie, faced by the lovely Emmy Rossum. She's 32 years old, a native of Florida (Winter Haven, Lakeland, then Orlando -- that one being the longest of the three) so those who are native to the area, what's up? I'm looking to place her as "a friend of" one of the Disney princesses (Belle and Ariel are currently where I'm at, as long as Belle isn't spoken for!) but she's been around the block as far as theme parks go, so Universal and Busch Gardens people, come at me!

Oh and she's the loud and pushy best gal friend of [info]rmchase but she can be a loud, terrible influence for others as well :P. She's a middle child who's a bit of a drama queen in that she learned attention of any kind is good attention so she has a tendency to do stupid shit in life because what is impulse control? Aka, she's a mess. The kind of mess who runs into their ex and either verbally spars with them or something else which is likely good for a whole lot of no one.

She'll be in need of a roommate, more friends, enemies (???), possible relatives, people she's flirted with, flings, exes, all sorts of good stuff.

Jul. 26th, 2021



[No Subject]

Hey folks, new character here!

This is Seth, and he rides horses. He's a good ole boy from Texas, who has lived here for ten years, and definitely needs connections. Friends, lovers, haters, whatever you've got, throw it at me. If you can make a family connection work, that's great too!

Jul. 20th, 2021



[No Subject]

hey all, i'm m and i'm new around these parts... but i bring you the fabulous stella d'amato.

she's 27 and originally from michigan, but spent a chunk of time living in nyc (college, after college), before realizing that winter is some hot trash and moving to orlando. she's working as a personal assistant to "a man who owns a string of nightclubs and a boutique hotel" -- so some dude i'll be npcing the hell out of. she writes a food blog on the side (that's f'n tasty) - so maybe you read the blog? maybe you think her opinions are some garbage. her bio is open and in the journal, so please, have a read, let me know if stell can do anything for you.

Jul. 9th, 2021



[No Subject]

Hey guys. Bringing in yet another one!

This is Evan, and he's the IT manager at Disney World. He's 33, and as geeky as his sweater. Beyond that, I've got him really open, because I want to fill lines where I can. So, whatcha got? Cousins, friends, exes, hit me with your best shot, and I'll update this accordingly!

So far:
College bffs with [info]chris_n
Exes with [info]debrah



[No Subject]

Hello! It's KD with the Abigail Spencer I was telling you about! I've got her all finished and tapped, so let's see what we can work out.

This is Meredith Temple, [info]josh_t's older, incredibly extroverted sister. She's never met a stranger, can have a conversation with a chair, and is a long-time Disney employee. Formerly, she was a face character and portrayed Tinkerbell, but has been working in guest relations and is currently a Guest Services Manager for Magic Kingdom. She's sassy, sarcastic, witty, and just has a lot of personality for such a tiny body (she's barely five foot). Divorced, she shares a twelve (almost thirteen, yikes) year old son named Oliver with her ex-husband from their ill-fated marriage. She's very family-oriented, loves to meddle in her little brother's life, and is definitely always down for mostly anything.

She's down for friends, disastrous dates or former flings, coworkers, neighbors, whatever!

Jul. 7th, 2021



[No Subject]

Hi everyone! Newbie here with an Oscar Isaac-shaped therapist. Valentine is originally from Mexico, moved here from California, and likely has been living in the complex for a little over a month. He can be pretty ambitious and single-minded but comes across as a fairly chill person. He's not exactly the life of the party, though he'll happily socialize with his neighbours. He also mostly lives in the shadow of a pretty big betrayal in his recent past that he doesn't talk about.

He has three siblings, all of them now in the US, and I'm always down for family, friendship, and fwb lines. Likewise anyone who might have known him in Cali would be loved.