For all your threading, logging, and ic needs. - March 2nd, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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March 2nd, 2011

[Mar. 2nd, 2011|03:55 am]
Who: Trixie and (OTA)
What: Getting cigarettes at the gas station and a chance encounter?
Where: Gas Station.
When: Wednesday | March o2 - 11 AM
Rating: PG-13? language
Status: Incomplete

the air was heavy and suffocating. )
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[Mar. 2nd, 2011|10:42 am]


Who: Adam Kim and Myer Grayson
What: An after school chat
Where: The music room of North Harbor High
When: October 27, 1998
Rating: PG-13
Status: Complete

An intellectual is someone who can listen to the William Tell Overture without thinking of the Lone Ranger. ~John Chesson )
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[Mar. 2nd, 2011|11:44 pm]
Who: Cin & Tion
What: Yearly visit to the grave.
Where: Burial site.
When: December 20, 2006
Rating: PG
Status: Incomplete
...that’s why faith is so funny and joke worthy though, huh? )
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