
May 21st, 2008

08:48 am - [info]valkyrieofodin - Trance, Chanting, Travel To Other Realms

lots of information on my experiences in trance work, talking about tools, chanting and journey work, it meanders a little bit, I went with flow from my mind to the keyboard, I hope people find it useful. )

08:52 am - [info]valkyrieofodin - Blotting Jotunar

I do a monthly blot to the Jotunar. Yes, I know, it seems rather uneven that they get only once a month, but I only have one Saturday a month open. Other than that K-9 has something going every Saturday of the month. Yeah. Plus there is that financial dealie deal. *sighs* So, as you can well imagine, I do what I can. I love giving them their due frankly. I guess it's rather, special to me because it's only once a month, it doesn't lose it's color as it were. Usually it has a certain air of spontaneity to it. I do not do a hammer rite or anything of the like, that would be rather hypocritical, at least in my eyes. I light all the candles on my altar and an incense. Then I pour the cider and begin to chant names of the Jotunar. Here is where it really gets spontaneous. I simply allow whoever wants to be spoken of to come out. I don't have a set list of names, and it flows oh how it flows. Some get spoken of one time who do not get spoken of the next and so forth. And it simply feels like there is a connection being made, almost electric. I enjoy the sense of comfort and familiarity that takes over, and when I feel as though everyone is present who I wish to be present, or more likely who wishes to be present, then I stop. I then begin to say whatever it is that is on my mind. I speak from the heart and enjoy a connection of another sort. Drinking deeply, sharing with them the cold, cold cider. I follow what is the typical format of a K-9 blot, and eventually when all that I need to say has been spoken I 'plight my troth' in them. I take the remaining cider(as full a horn as possible depending on how much is left in the jug)to the Oak Tree and I recite, "from the Jotuns to the Earth to Us, from Us to the earth to the Jotuns, a gift for a gift. Hail the Jotuns. This rite is ended." And for me that makes it final. Simple, joyfilled, elegant with a current always underlying it that flows between us. I hope my experience is something that will make your world happier. Anyone who is local, is welcome to come and blot them with me btw.

08:58 am - [info]valkyrieofodin - Articles And Such

At the moment you may see a bunch of articles getting posted here that are also on dark_heathens on livejournal. But I figured since I wrote them and I am founding this community I have the right to post my own work here. So, as a way of showing folks what this community is about to a greater or lesser extent, I am posting my work. Hopefully it will get the ball rolling. Let the social interaction begin. I hope this does not take up too much of your friends page.

09:06 am - [info]valkyrieofodin - The Beings I Honor & Why

First off, I want to talk about my philosophy where it comes to those beings that I honor and how that reflects my spirituality. )

09:10 am - [info]valkyrieofodin - Thinking On Spiritual Forces

The previous article I posted spawned this train of thought... I hope it makes sense to others as much as to me. I probably could have gone on about the varied Jotunar and what each one means to me. The reason I picked Jarnsaxa right now is that Mother's Day is fast approaching and I am a non-custodial mother, my kids celebrate Mother's Day with someone else, give her presents and treat her 10 times better than me. I get a card and 'something' each year if I am remembered. I see my kids at her leisure. And I have to deal with it. But so goes life. That's the background, just so you understand where I was coming from. I could have picked anyone. But she's on my mind at this time. So yeah. please realize I transcribed this from elsewhere and it was written a while back. I apologize for that but I'm not going to change the wording...

another article on the various beings we honor, and what it means. I guess I'm being introspective lately? Hope I'm not being a bore. )
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