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Sunday, December 6th, 2015

    Time Event



    There are untold stories, unseen sights, and a new adventure at every turn when it comes to the misfit troupe Saturnalia. Going where others fear to go, the unlikely group has formed a family and learned how to depend on one another to get to where they need to go. Through deep, dark forests, over monstrous mountain ranges, and across treacherous bodies of water, they've succeeded each year in taking their show on the road and entertaining anyone who may cross their path.

    It is not all sunshine and light, however. The journey they find themselves on every day is a dangerous one with unexpected twists and turns. The woods are full of hidden beings who may be entertained by trickery or by things even darker. The mountains are steep and difficult to navigate, but are their monsters that lurk in those caves that they travel past? The rivers and streams that block their paths might not be as empty as one may think. And let us not get started with those pesky bandits!

    Come one, come all! Join us! Find your place among Saturnalia.

    Do you think you have what it takes to survive this journey?

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