Non-multifandom: Fandom and Original RPGs' Journal
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Wednesday, May 13th, 2015

    Time Event
    Hey, we're re-opening our canon OUAT gpsl [info]storybrookers on Friday, and we'd love a few new players to join us. The game will pick up right where S4 left off, with Emma as the new Dark One.

    If you are interested in playing Rumple, Regina, Henry, Belle, Ariel, Archie, Alice, Cyrus, Knave, Anastasia, Ursula, Maleficent, Lily, Isaac, Cruella, Aurora, Philip, Anna, Elsa, or any other available OUAT character, we'd love to have you! <3333

    Feel free to comment on this post with any questions or hit up our dropbox.

    Apologize for the x-posting. <333

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