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Wednesday, February 4th, 2015

    Time Event

    It's exactly what it sounds like.

    Before the war, it was just a small town that specialized in running rum and distilling illegal whiskey. It was the prohibitionist's worst nightmare, full of law breakers and villains alike. It used to be called something else too, but the after-war clean up was so successful, no one really remembers what it was. People from all over moved to Atomic City to live the dream.

    But with huge population booms come a spike in crime. Thankfully Atomic City happens to be the home of a thriving community of Supers! While Superheroes have been around for decades, the end of the war saw a huge surge of them. Maybe it's a need for justice. Maybe it's a resurgence of patriotism. Maybe it's the A-bomb. Either way, they're here and keeping places like Atomic city from being overrun with crime.

    Atomic City is a vintage super hero game set in the same universe and time period as (Disney/Pixar's) THE INCREDIBLES.

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