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Thursday, June 3rd, 2010

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    Kurosaki Ichigo had never done as he had wanted him to, not even once. He had stubbornly held onto his sword even while being beaten, he had not felt despair, and he had not dealt the finishing blow even when he had told him to to finish the battle. But he supposed that was fine, as he had gotten to say farewell to the woman before turning to dust, and there had been a heart, and he could feel at least a little bit of human emotion and he had been ok with his life ending there and in that way. In a way, it had been ideal.

    However, what came unexpected, was waking back up in one piece, and still in his second resurrection form, in halls that reminded him of Las Noches, but couldn't possibly be so. He had died, and even something like the woman's powers couldn't bring him back to life. She had a remarkable power, but she wasn't that strong. It was just like how she couldn't bring Ichigo back to life. He had been too far gone, and so was he.

    Still, here he was, in an unfamiliar place, still alive. He looked down at his hand, which was still clenched into a fist, before opening it slowly. There was no heart visible to his eyes, he couldn't see it. But perhaps it was there anyway.

    Sighing, he began walking down the hall, making sure his large wings didn't bump against anything by keeping them close to his body. He needed to find out what was going on. He who had passed away as a human and as an arrancar wasn't supposed to exist any more.

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