The "No Fandom Politics" Dressing Room RPG's Journal
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Saturday, May 22nd, 2010

    Time Event
    [There's an odd sound traveling across the hallways of the dressing room. If you walk around, you'll eventually see a giant, blue Police Box suddenly materialize out of thin air. It eventually turns completely visible, just standing there.]

    [After a minute or so, a man pokes his head out. The expression on his face is one of surprise and confusion.]

    What? ...What!?

    [He blinks chocolate brown eyes as he fully steps out. He has a heavy, brown coat on, and underneath it is a brown, pinstriped suit. On his feet are a pair of off white Chuck Taylor's. His hair is brunette and spiked all over the place, as well as having sideburns.]

    Where... Just where have you brought me, girl?

    [He turns around to look at his machine, of which he referred to as "girl."]

    TARDIS... where did you go off course?

    [TARDIS was the actual name of the ship.]

    I... suppose I'll have to look around. Strange.

    [He turns back around to head down the hallway.]

    ((have a Tenth Doctor from Doctor Who. this is screamy, btw. i'm considering just starting over everything and really only using the Doctor here.))

    Current Mood: confused
    Current Music: Autobahn Music Box - Cut Copy

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