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Friday, March 12th, 2010

    Time Event
    This is what being dead is like.
    [Lucian slowly opens his eyes. He doesn't feel the liquid silver clogging his veins anymore, and there is no burn in his chest from the silver bullets that Kraven shot him with.

    He is very sure that he can not be alive anymore. He already survived longer than he should have.

    Also, he is in a hallway that he has never seen before, just lying on the ground, and none of his men are around. Slowly, he gets on his feet. He looks down on himself. His shirt has bullet holes and is smeared with blood, and he is dirty as ever, but he feels healthy.]

    Afterlife is an office building? [He says it to himself as he starts walking. He finds himself thinking that all the religions apparently got it pretty wrong in their versions, if this is really heaven or, more appropriate for someone as him, hell. Then again, who could have guessed this?]

    Current Mood: confused

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