The "No Fandom Politics" Dressing Room RPG's Journal
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Friday, January 22nd, 2010

    Time Event
    Things had not been awesome lately. Actually, things had pretty much started going downhill after World War 1. Needless to say, Prussia hadn't been at his most awesome for quite some time and he'd even refused to join West for dinner, preferring to retreat to his bedroom. Prussia never pulled back in a fight, he was there to win, but some things were just no longer in his awesome hands. West was managing on his own and he was being pushed down by West's leaders, so he was pretty much just there. His Leader... He was more like a puppet.

    The albino was sure Old Fritz was rolling over in his grave.

    So, instead of letting his mood drop further down, he had decided on getting some rest. But when he woke up, he found himself somewhere unfamiliar, and arched an eyebrow as he headed out from the room he had woken up in and into a hallway, looking around. A part of him was glad he hadn't bothered to remove his SS Panzer uniform before taking a nap, because wandering around in his pajamas would not have been awesome. A chirp behind him made him glance back, before he turned and grinned. Should've known that if there was someone who would never leave him, it was Gilbird.

    "Gilbird! Awesome!" He cheered, leaning down to pick the yellow fluffball up, holding the small bird in his hands. "Hey Gilbird, do you know where we are?" He asked, frowning a little when the bird simply chirped at him and tilted his head. "Mm. You have no idea either, huh?" He said, before putting the tiny creature on his head to let him nest in his hair.

    "Well... I guess it's time to explore then."

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