The "No Fandom Politics" Dressing Room RPG's Journal
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Sunday, December 6th, 2009

    Time Event
    ♫ Come on over... To Falcon's place! ♪
    ((ooc: I was originally planning this for later, but as the future of system shock is a little unclear, let's just pretend like that's all over, and Falcon will get on with whatever he does. Falcon would like to invite any of his buddies, Sander, Snake and Doc specifically, but everyone is welcome to come say hi.))

    [Falcon hasn't left his garage in days, not even to eat. His days are spent inside his cubicle room, working on or modifying his car, while the nights he spent asleep in the car itself.
    He didn't trust the world outside so much anymore, and has decded to stay somewhere he knows he's safe. As far as he's concerned, nothing can hurt him when he's inside Blue Falcon. That's his home, his space.

    Not that he wouldn't welcome someone he trusted into his garage space... He'd just not prefer to go outside looking for someone right now.]

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