The "No Fandom Politics" Dressing Room RPG's Journal
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Monday, November 2nd, 2009

    Time Event
    *His eyes flickered open slowly. He felt so groggy. He didn't remember drinking so much last night. Maybe he had more than he expected.
    Rubbing his head, he slowly sat up... Or, maybe Ted kept loading his drinks.
    Either way, he had no idea where he was.*

    "Goddamn it..." *He groaned, his surroundings slowly coming into focus, presenting him with a blank, featureless hall. He slowly realised he had been asleep on the floor, the cold surface chilling his bare legs.*
    "The hell... What the hell kind of locker room is this?"

    *He grumbled, slowly getting to his feet. Had he been left behind? Or just dumped somewhere?
    Maybe it was some kind of prank. It seemed like something Ted and Randy would do.
    Standing up, he straightened his plain, black T-shirt and adjusted his trunks, glancing around the corridor.*

    "I'm gonna kill those two..."

    (ooc: It's Cody Rhodes! Be nice, wont you? =3)

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