The "No Fandom Politics" Dressing Room RPG's Journal
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Sunday, October 11th, 2009

    Time Event

    [There's a rather gloomy looking man standing in the hallway. He has stark white hair that's flying off in all different directions, and what appears to be an odd arm piece is attached to his arm, with a deck of what appears to be cards inserted into it. He blinks, his deep, brown eyes scanning the place.]

    [He scowls rather viciously.]

    What the hell? Who dares to-?

    [Everything... is so white. He doesn't understand.

    Wherever he is, he isn't liking it, and he thinks he's going to go insane... not that he already isn't.]

    ((have a Bakura from Yu-Gi-Oh. i'm going to be playing him generally like he had come back somehow after the end of the series, because picking just one season will be particularly hard x3))

    Current Mood: cranky

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